2024 Calendar of Events
All club meetings will be held at Providence Presbyterian Church
2130 Bell Road, Montgomery, Alabama, 36117
2130 Bell Road, Montgomery, Alabama, 36117
MONTHLY | Second Thursday of each month
Work in the Daylily Bed at Montgomery Botanical Gardens at Oak Park (Rain date changes will be emailed to the group) |
FEBRUARY | February 12, Sunday, 2 p.m. Club Meeting
Program: Matthew Stafford, “Creation of The Country Estate”, Williamsburg, GA |
APRIL | April 16, Sunday, 2 p.m. Club Meeting
Program: Patty Franklin, MP Flowers Daylily Garden, “A Hobby Gone Wild” |
MAY | May 4, Saturday, 8 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Woodley Road Daylily Sale |
MAY | May 17-18
ADS Region 14 Spring Meeting
Dothan, AL |
MAY | May 28 (Rain Date May 30)
Daylilies in Bloom Tour |
JUNE | June 1, Saturday, 11:30 a.m.
MADS Picnic at the Lake |
AUGUST | August 10, Saturday noon Club Meeting
Covered Dish Luncheon; Selection of Nominating Committee Program:Tim Bell, Bell’s Daylily Garden, Sycamore, GA, “Tim Bell’s Newest Creations” |
OCTOBER | October 5, Saturday, 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
ADS Region 14 Fall Meeting Location: Town of Pike Road Agriculture, Recreation & Performing Arts Center 6281 Trotman Rd, Montgomery, AL 36116, USA “Save the Date” Flyer |
OCTOBER | October 12, Saturday 8 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Woodley Road Fall Daylily Sale “Save the Date” Flyer |
OCTOBER | October 13, Sunday 2 p.m. Club Meeting
Election of Officers Auction of Daylilies Silent Auction of Companion Plants Program: “Getting to Know Each Other” |
DECEMBER | December 14, Saturday Noon
Club Meeting
Covered Dish Luncheon Installation of New Officers Christmas Party “Dirty Santa” Gift Exchange |