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  Montgomery Area Daylily Society  


2024 Calendar of Events

All club meetings will be held at Providence Presbyterian Church
2130 Bell Road, Montgomery, Alabama, 36117

MONTHLY Second Thursday of each month
Work in the Daylily Bed at Montgomery Botanical Gardens at Oak Park (Rain date changes will be emailed to the group)
FEBRUARY February 12, Sunday, 2 p.m. Club Meeting
Program: Matthew Stafford, “Creation of The Country Estate”, Williamsburg, GA
APRIL April 16, Sunday, 2 p.m. Club Meeting
Program: Patty Franklin, MP Flowers Daylily Garden, “A Hobby Gone Wild”
MAY May 4, Saturday, 8 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Woodley Road Daylily Sale
MAY May 17-18 ADS Region 14 Spring Meeting
Dothan, AL
MAY May 28 (Rain Date May 30)
Daylilies in Bloom Tour
JUNE June 1, Saturday, 11:30 a.m.
MADS Picnic at the Lake
AUGUST August 10, Saturday noon Club Meeting
Covered Dish Luncheon; Selection of Nominating Committee
Program:Tim Bell, Bell’s Daylily Garden, Sycamore, GA, “Tim Bell’s Newest Creations”
OCTOBER October 5, Saturday, 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
ADS Region 14 Fall Meeting

Location: Town of Pike Road Agriculture, Recreation & Performing Arts Center
6281 Trotman Rd, Montgomery, AL 36116, USA
“Save the Date” Flyer
OCTOBER October 12, Saturday 8 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Woodley Road Fall Daylily Sale
OCTOBER October 13, Sunday 2 p.m. Club Meeting
Election of Officers Auction of Daylilies Silent Auction of Companion Plants
Program: “Getting to Know Each Other”
DECEMBER December 14, Saturday Noon Club Meeting
Covered Dish Luncheon Installation of New Officers
Christmas Party “Dirty Santa” Gift Exchange